Laura got Silas some of these Indestructibles books to “read” to Petra. They are wordless, and they’re really neat–they feel very similar to paper, including the page weight, but they are made out of something like Tyvek (the house-wrap stuff). They will NOT TEAR. I have a friend who has a wallet made out of the same stuff, and it’s amazing how well it has held up.
Silas enjoys turning the pages for her and telling her what the animals are and what sounds they make. The other day, Petra was sitting in her car seat and staring at this book. She noticed me looking at her, and started grunting and waving her arms. I put the book in her hands, and she looked at it for a long time. She even managed to turn a page!
If both my babies turn out to be readers, I will have done well. We’re off to a good start.
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