We went back to WV for a birthday party and to see my dad. It was a nice time. On the way home, our car seriously acted up, so we ended up spending another night. Not a big deal–not like we have jobs to hurry back to, I guess.
Sometimes I wish that I could stop being The Adult and that someone else would come fix all my problems–take the car to the shop, figure out where the money is coming from, smile at the Mansplaining. And then I remember the thing that is no fun about being a kid–someone else takes care of all of those details, but the price is your ability to choose things for yourself. I guess I’d rather be independent and working hard. Most days.
I didn’t take a bunch of pictures (just took my phone, not my Real Camera), but here are Silas and Petra’s favorite moments, respectively:

[…] book a few months ago (which is AWESOME—read by EB White!), so he knew the story. He also met a pig a few weeks ago, and kept saying, “Pigs are my favorite!” It was sold out when we got […]