What a long, strange year it has been.
I can hardly believe that I saw that face for the first time a year ago. Women told me, when I was pregnant with Silas, that I would feel like I recognized him when he was born. Instead, I felt like, “Who are you?” It was deeply disorienting. With Petra, I got that experience of knowing this person and knowing immediately that she was ours.

Kassi recently asked if we are done having children. I think what I thought the second I saw Petra’s eyes lock into mine–my family is complete. We have assembled the team.

We are so blessed with this beautiful, healthy, brilliant baby girl. Her disposition continues to be sunny and mellow. She’s funny–she even makes odd baby jokes, already.

I get choked up just thinking about her. What a lovely child she is.

She adores Silas, of course, and will follow him anywhere. He is a great big brother. Watching their relationship grow has been the most beautiful part of this year.

We had a low-key birthday celebration. Pancakes and presents for breakfast. A little candle, a little song. An ordinary day.

But also, extraordinary.

Petra at 1:
Signs a lot–“eat,” “more,” sometimes “potty.” Blows kisses. Waves “bye-bye” backward.

Says a few words–“mama,” “dada,” “cat” (four-legged animal), “quack” (poultry, all kinds), “book,” “ball,” “dolly,” “Bri” (Brian, her bunny)

Weighs about 19 lbs. I’m not sure how tall she is. She’s too wiggly to measure.
Nicknames: Peach, Sweet Pea, Petey, Stinky Pete (when she has a particularly impressive diaper).

Climbs the steps–FAST! Can’t come down.
Brings me books to read to her.

Gives kisses to us and toys.
Has eight teeth!

Is a strong, independent person who knows what she wants and won’t take anything else!
Can definitely understand simple sentences. Surprises me every day with how much she can do and how much she wants to do.
For anyone who wants a review, here’s my year of Petra gallery:
[…] all started innocently enough…the Corolle baby doll I got Petra for her birthday was a dead ringer for the girl who was playing Hermione in my […]
[…] my new baby. My Sunday school teacher give it me. I love it.” Her very favorite lovey remains Perdita, now mostly called “Dita […]