Just some belated “Petra says,” interspersed with equally belated photos from our trip to visit my dad and some WV friends in July.

6 am, every day:
Go playground today, Mama?

I do it self. I climb up self. I put shirt on self!

We borrowed a van from some friends for a weekend trip. Every time we get in our car:
Mama! Miss van. Love van. Love big white van.
It was actually a silver van, but I understand why she was confused.

SO much vocabulary:
Cow standing. Duck swimming. Chicken eating corn.
What is the horse doing?
Horse prancing.
Later, a puzzle with a missing piece:
Mama, where rhinoceros body?

She has a startlingly perfect command of pronouns, particularly relative pronouns.
Don’t want this one. Want that one.
No, Mama. I no do it. You yes do it.
Brother name is Silas. You! You name is Silas.

Obsessed with “The Name Game” song. Calls it either “Daddy Song” or “Bananafana Song”
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