We did a family costume this year! I’ve always wanted to do one.
But I thought it would be something cool, like characters from Firefly or different kinds of whales or something.
It was Pokemon. Guess who’s idea it was.
The kids decided they would be Pikachu and Charmandar (world’s easiest costumes!) and that JC would be Professor Birch and I’d be Nurse Joy. I told them I was the Kanto Nurse Joy, just to be clear.
Here’s a closer look–JC’s upper lip hasn’t seen daylight in about 20 years.
I kept telling him he looked unacceptably Amish. It was really strange!

The kiddos were very happy with their simple costumes, and I’m glad. After the Totoro party, I was kind of costumed out!
I loved Lillian’s costume. She went as Arrietty, from The Secret World of Arrietty, which is an awesome movie, based on books (The Borrowers) that I loved as a kid. I adored the details that Laura came up with, like a hair clip that looked like a giant clothespin and a knitting needle made up to look like the straight pin she carries in self defense. And the giant flower, oh my! I’d like less Pokemon and more Miyazaki in my household’s Japanophilia, please!
Arthur decided he wanted to be a “turquoise kitty,” which was about the most adorable thing ever. He wouldn’t let me do face paint whiskers, though. I think “kitty” was still pretty clear.
Myers was some kind of mad scientist, and Laura was a ladybug. So cute! We’ve been trick-or-treating with them for years, and it’s such a fun tradition.
Wild things, and this was before candy:
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