We spent a long weekend in the Canaan Valley with JC’s folks. We had a nice, relaxing time together there, going for walks and checking out wildlife.
We walked to a little fishing pond, where we admired a snapping turtle, tossed cracker crumbs to the fish, ate too many Altoids. Silas read to us from his Disaster Survival Handbook, which is about the most 6 thing possible.

We went to Blackwater Falls. I hadn’t been there in several years, and the last time I was there, it was just a trickle. We’ve had a lot of rain, and the falls were bigger than I have ever seen them.

We enjoyed the nature center and exploring wildlife, both fictional and non.

Clayton brought a game where you had to pair stills from Disney movies with phrases to make memes. Turns out, Silas is amazing at this. Check these out–I dare you not to laugh.

Silas also started writing a new book: The Dragons of Dargonoth.

Marmee was his first reader.

Although we love it when all the cousins and everyone can be with us, we enjoyed just having some time with Marmee and Poppy.
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