Gary got involved with a group that was trying to put on a ren faire in Winchester, the Ravenwood Faire. We had been hearing about it for months, and so when it finally happened, not only did we go, but we also recruited our Kutelopes to come along.

For its first year, the faire was pretty great. Mom did lots of bubbles.

They had some people there with raptors that we could see up close!

And their friend Angus the Pirate came and regaled the crowd with true stories of Blackbeard and various other pirates. He was my favorite. I thought he’d do more of a “Jack Sparrow” show, but he was telling stories from history, as if he had been there. The children were enthralled. Bestill my nerd heart.

There was also a joust–I didn’t get any pictures of it, but it was kind of amazing because these guys were doing stage combat, including falls, on horseback. I watched the show twice to be sure–it was choreographed, and very well executed. I’ve never seen anything quite like that before, and it was exciting and fascinating. Plus Esther got to put her favor on a knight’s lance, which made her day.
I was not in a Ren Faire mood–I had just opened a show the day before, I had a headache, the weather was chilly and contemplating rain, and I really wanted to be home in my pajamas. BUT the kids had a great time, and I had an excuse to wear my fanciest cloak, so I ended up being glad I went. I’m looking forward to next year!

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