A Connecticut Wedding

The photos are mostly by my mom and me, plus some pet photography by Petra

My aunt Marta got married at her beautiful home in Connecticut a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. It was absolutely worth the trip to get to reconnect with family members we haven’t seen in forever.

The kids were excited to meet my cousins and reconnect with Marta and Andy’s pets, who are dear friends (I somehow failed to get any pictures of the cats).

It was a perfect and lovely day, a small gathering that walked the perfect line between fancy and relaxed.

We started off all having brunch together, meeting new family across tables of croissants and mimosas.

After eating and chatting, we all dispersed for the day, to explore the local sights. Our family went to Pandemonium Rainforest Project, a combination thrift store and…exotic animal preserve. We got to meet a tortoise, lots of parrots and macaws, some goats, various snakes and other reptiles…and some odd finds, including the coat Petra wore for the ceremony later.

And then we hit the beach! The kids had a great time splashing in the waves, but it was too cold for me.

And then we all reconvened for the ceremony.

My family cleans up pretty well, even if they have their own interpretation of “dress nicely.” Petra later asked me, “What’s a jazz funeral?” because apparently a few different people suggested that was a more apt occasion for her ensemble…

The ceremony was short, conducted by Marta and Andy’s friend and neighbor. Maisie the dog was the bridesmaid, and my uncle Tim accompanied his youngest sister, as well. Marta and Andy read statements and vows they had written themselves, and there were lots of happy tears.

And then dinner, conversation, dancing, games, bubbles…

But the best part of all was just getting time with family, old and new.


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