We trick-or-treated with our usual crew, and they were, as always, on point.

Silas and Petra decided to go as the Cabbage Merchant, from Avatar the Last Airbender, and… his cart.

I made Silas’ costume, which I really should not have done. I am pretty sure I told them last year that they needed to make their own costumes in the future. But I was happy with how it turned out!
He didn’t want to do spirit gum or any kind of itchy fake beard, so we decided this is the Cabbage Merchant in his early years.

Petra made her own costume, entirely by herself, including teaching herself how to do wood-graining! She was very proud of it, although she later admitted that “box costumes” are quite uncomfortable.

Are they getting too old for trick-0r-treat? It was an open, and controversial, question. Some of the kids feel like they are, and some feel like they never will be, and some are not sure.

I’m letting them figure it out as a group. I’m here for it as long as they are (and as long as they are being kind and respectful and careful of smaller kids).
When you look this good, it’s got to be hard to get out of the game, right?

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