I have so many things to say about our month in Michigan, I don’t even… Read the postMichigan Round Up
I was saying to JC right before Christmas that Silas’ interests are so strong and… Read the postEmerging Persona
I made cards with Petra’s watercolors, as gifts for her grandmas. It came out SO… Read the postSweet and Easy Christmas Gift
The kids and I had an awesome educational excursion, gathering bits of this and that… Read the postFall Wreath
About a month ago, JC needed to visit his employer’s offices in Pennsylvania. The kids… Read the postChildren’s Museum of Pittsburgh
I have not yet succeeded in getting pictures of all EIGHT of our regular playdate… Read the postPlaydate Update
I’m just going to blog all the Christmas crazy in one photo-heavy mega-post and be… Read the postChristmastravaganza 2015
We’re down to two ducks–Ruby and Perl. We believe that Ada decamped to the neighbors’… Read the postDucks in a tree
People keep asking how the goat thing is going. The answer is, mostly awesome. I mean,… Read the postGoats