At eight months, Petra is such a nice baby. She’s happy and mellow. The teething… Read the postPetra is 8 months old!
Lifted from JC’s facebook: Bed time…never a dull moment. Me — “Silas, why were you… Read the postSilas Says…
Where ever you are, I encourage you to check out some agro-tourism this summer. Many… Read the postLavender
We met up with Mom and Gary at one of those rinkydink small-town festivals. It… Read the postPony ride
Petra and Silas both got the giggles the other night. They were laughing and feeding… Read the postGiggles
I remember when I was three and my preschool class grew plants for Mother’s Day.… Read the postMother’s Day (belated)
On the way to our playdate, Silas said, unprompted, “I will play with James and… Read the postPuppies