Every now and then, people ask me what we do about our cloth diapers–what is… Read the postCloth Diapers FAQ
This is the man who taught me everything I know about photography (“The first rule… Read the postOld Friends (bookends)
It’s been a while…here’s the stuff I’ve read that I think is good enough for… Read the postWeekend Reading 5/18/13
A year and a half ago, I attended a baby shower for a friend. It… Read the postSleep when the baby sleeps
Silas learned a song in Sunday school that has a spot for the kids to… Read the postThank you, Lord for…
One of my friends requires her four (homeschooled) children to take an hour of “rest… Read the postRest Time
For once, I bothered to dress Petra up for church. Everyone commented, which I guess… Read the postSunday best