So, I’m not great at “doing” holidays. My mom does holidays, and she’s amazing at… Read the postEaster Bunny
We had Petra’s dedication last month, and I just haven’t found the right moment to… Read the postDedication
I am the creeper who totally was wearing my baby in the Ergo at the… Read the postWearing an older baby
Those little boogers are already playing together! I have to keep an eye on them,… Read the postSibling Harmony
This is part of a series on our current situation with unemployment and March 2013… Read the postI dwell in possibility…
I wanted to take a break from the intense navel-gazing that is my March Madness… Read the postThe House Began to Twitch
This is part of a series on our current situation with unemployment and March 2013… Read the postEt in Arcadia ego
This is part of a series on our current situation with unemployment and March 2013… Read the postArrrrrrrrstone