Everywhere we went in Lisbon, there was so much cool public art. Some of it… Read the postLisbon — Street Art
In addition to photos by my family and me, this post includes some pictures by… Read the postLisbon – Cityscape
Petra’s art has taken some new directions in the past few months. She’s experimenting with… Read the postPetra—Art Update, Summer 2024
It has now been 105 days since the last “normal” day, as I count it… Read the postLockdown: Day 100 ish?
Last week, Silas and some friends attended an awesome “creativity camp” at JMU. It was… Read the postFurious Flower Camp
JC and I both have some degree of graphomania (I write out every poem I… Read the postSilas Art Update
Probably the biggest thing going on with Silas right now is that he did a… Read the postWhat’s new with Silas?
2016 was, at a macro level, a total disaster. But, as Rachel Held Evans writes,… Read the postResolution