One exciting development is that Silas is getting better at games. Specifically, he’s beginning to… Read the postMind Games
The other night, when I was on my way to rehearsal, JC called me to… Read the postMonkeys at Typewriters
Petra wants to do everything that Silas does. Everything. She won’t use a sippy cup–she… Read the postCrayons
We’ve had quite the flurry of literacy activity here lately. Silas writes and writes. He… Read the postReading, Writing…
I’m going to file this story under “random lucky break…” JC says: I was cleaning… Read the postGot lucky
Today, when we were packing to go home from the beach, Robyn put two cookies… Read the postCookie Mathing
Yesterday, Silas, Petra, and I had a picnic lunch with a dear friend who has… Read the postPaperback Writer
We’re about 90% sure that Silas really read–as in, sounded out–two words this week. The… Read the postPiecing it together