My aunt Marta sent Silas some great rhythm instruments for Christmas. Petra has adopted the… Read the postGot rhythm?
Silas hasn’t been himself lately. He’s been a whiny, clingy, fussbudget for at least a… Read the postThe Artist
Laura got Silas some of these Indestructibles books to “read” to Petra. They are wordless,… Read the postBookworm
I’ve been cooking with Silas a lot more lately. He’s enjoying it, and I’m …… Read the postSilas in the kitchen
Silas, much to my bewilderment, has never been into nesting/stacking by size. He loves to… Read the postThe Tower (or, Suggestibility)
I read the following poem to Silas. It’s a Mother Goose rhyme that was reprinted… Read the postscansion
This started as a ramp for cars. It turned into a massive experiment of testing… Read the postTiny Physicist
warning: If you are a legit Montessori person, these images might make your head explode.… Read the postLove Letters