I’ve been waiting for Silas to experience total absorption in a book. I knew that… Read the postGateway Book
Over the summer, we got a membership at the Frontier Culture Museum. I love this… Read the postFrontier Culture Museum
JC and I both have some degree of graphomania (I write out every poem I… Read the postSilas Art Update
I adore Chicago. I had an amazing weekend there in 2009, when I saw Arabian Nights… Read the postWindy City
One super smart thing we did right before we left for our big trip was… Read the postCarnegie Science Center
One of our favorite things about coming to Grand Rapids is getting to visit with… Read the postGive me some sugar
I adore the children’s programming at my church. It’s one of the first things that… Read the postTiny Heathens
Probably the biggest thing going on with Silas right now is that he did a… Read the postWhat’s new with Silas?