On the day when most of our neighbors’ kids went back to school, I was… Read the postBack to Homeschool
This kid. I just can’t get over how grown up she is (and technically still… Read the postTiny Paleontologist
The other night, after her bath, Petra and I were cuddling. She said that her… Read the postKids these days
Both of our children now have their three jars. About once a year, sometimes more… Read the postThe Perks of Being a Benefactress
Last summer, Petra learned from the TD on the Brother’s Grimm play that our local… Read the postKittens!
“Unschool your kids,” they said. “It’s so fun,” they said. “You just follow their interests,… Read the postPokemon-based curriculum
I’m supposed to be writing a list of what we’ve done for Kindergarten, as we’re… Read the postWhat a year!
Life right now is…excellent. I can’t remember the last time I had a year that… Read the postSmooth Sailing
Petra constantly surprises me with what she comes up with. When Silas asks me a… Read the postHypotheses
My family on my mom’s side is very into games. These are the people who… Read the postDungeons & Daddy