On our recent trip to Arizona, Silas squandered some of his quarters at an over-priced… Read the postThe Root of All Evil
Petra constantly catches me off guard. She’s picking up how text works…already. She’ll point to… Read the postSmart Cookie
The other day at rehearsal, Silas was running around on the stage while I was… Read the postSex Ed for Preschoolers
Presented without comment (but with captions!), Silas’ recent art. I cannot find this drawing, but… Read the postSilas Drawings
This started as a facebook post, but got too involved, so…blog it is. I want… Read the postThe Cult of the Big Yellow Bus
My being a professional theaterist has made my children, perhaps, a bit weirder than they… Read the postTiny Set Designer
Petra is in a serious “book” phase right now. I couldn’t be happier, because, well,… Read the postPetra Reads
I could spend a happy morning Seeing Piglet. And I couldn’t spend a happy morning… Read the postMaking Friends (And Not) (And That's Okay)
One of the most frequently repeated stories about my childhood is about how I desperately… Read the postThree Jars
Just a rather long video of Petra showing off all the words she knows. My… Read the postPetra’s Vocabulary