I have not yet succeeded in getting pictures of all EIGHT of our regular playdate… Read the postPlaydate Update
Over the past six years, Carlos has forgiven me my many failings. But I don’t… Read the postPetra and Carlos’ Birthday Dinner
I want to just say, before I get rolling on this post, that birthday parties… Read the postThe Frozen Party!
Summer playdates are the best. The big girls are out of school, and we can… Read the postPlaydate Update
I was looking for something else, and I came across this little treasure trove of… Read the postArboretum playdate
For Petra’s birthday, she said she wanted a “rainbow birthday party” for turning two. She… Read the postRainbow Birthday Party
The past few times we’ve been over at Peter and Bethany’s, someone has built a… Read the postBurninating the Countryside
Mama, you be Elisabeth, and I’ll be Elisabeth’s daddy, and Petra can be James, and… Read the postSilas says…
“I’m digging for buried treasure!” What kind of treasure are you hoping to find? “A… Read the postSilas says…