Petra is nearly one-and-a-half, which is a simultaneously frustrating and magical age. She does so… Read the postBabies wearing babies
My mom (and Granny, and … everyone else) always complains that I never post any… Read the postPortrait Challenge
We’re night-weaning Petra. I’m kind of generally weaning her, but the night time is the… Read the postNight Night
On Sunday, after church, we went to the Chinese New Year Parade in DC. It… Read the postThe Year of the Horse
Collected by JC. This is your kid: Silas says: “Daddy, which little guy is this?”… Read the postSilas says…
The past few times we’ve been over at Peter and Bethany’s, someone has built a… Read the postBurninating the Countryside
It probably goes without saying, given the context, but all of these links…language warning, okay?… Read the postSurprise Recognition
After years of struggling with the scheduling nightmare that is Christmas in a big family,… Read the postEarly Christmas