I’ve been super lame about posting anything all summer. I’ve been busy! I had two… Read the postSummer Roundup
I have not yet succeeded in getting pictures of all EIGHT of our regular playdate… Read the postPlaydate Update
I only am just now getting around to posting photos from HALLOWEEN. I did not… Read the postHalloween…a bit late!
Sorry for being so quiet around here lately. We’ve just been super busy making Christmas… Read the postArboretum play space
I want to just say, before I get rolling on this post, that birthday parties… Read the postThe Frozen Party!
At some point, I’ll probably stop posting these publicly. I talked with him about it,… Read the postSilas’ 5th Birthday Interview
Summer playdates are the best. The big girls are out of school, and we can… Read the postPlaydate Update
I’ve been dumping lots of “Silas Says” on Facebook because it’s so fast, so here’s… Read the postSilas says…round-up!
True story: I asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween. Silas said,… Read the postHalloween