Petra is supposed to be a flower girl next month, and I’m working on her… Read the postCaterpillar Dress
This started as a facebook post, but got too involved, so…blog it is. I want… Read the postThe Cult of the Big Yellow Bus
Petra is quite pleased with her ability to climb into her carseat all by herself… Read the postBig girl!
Just some belated “Petra says,” interspersed with equally belated photos from our trip to visit… Read the postPetra Says…
Silas says, “I’m the boss!” I say, “You’re the boss of exactly one person, Silas.… Read the postWho's the boss?
A family at our church had some beagle-mix puppies recently. The mom said, “They’ve… Read the postPuppy Kisses
Petra is in a serious “book” phase right now. I couldn’t be happier, because, well,… Read the postPetra Reads