Lest people think that, by forgoing a normal tree, we are robbing our kids of… Read the postTrim up the tree
In some ways, it’s hard to believe that Petra is already three months old, and… Read the postHappy New Year and three-month-birthday, Petra
I got all these great pictures of people holding Petra (since that’s most of what… Read the postHoliday Montage: Holding Petra
People have been asking if we are doing EC with Petra. Yes, we are. It’s… Read the postShake the dew off the lily
It’s been a busy month…let’s see… Petra started smiling right at five weeks! That was… Read the postPetra is two months old!
I had been debating whether to continue doing these updates now that I’m blogging more… Read the postUpdate: Fall 2012
The Montessori infant materials include several mobiles to engage the baby’s visual sense. I’m a… Read the postGobbi Mobile
Laura sets out the feast. After near-death automotive experiences in the past two Thanksgivings, we… Read the postGiving Thanks