She’s just so happy! And more interactive than Silas was at this age. He didn’t… Read the postSmiley baby
I can’t believe it has only been a month since Petra’s birth. She fits so… Read the postPetra is a month old!
I guess I gave my kids freakball names. With both of them, especially when I… Read the postWhat’s in a name?
People have been asking, so here’s an update on how Silas is doing with the… Read the postBrotherly Love
My friend Alice, who just had a sweet baby girl, emailed me a while ago… Read the postBabywearing FAQ
This is an update/edit on a Facebook note I wrote in February of 2011. I… Read the postthoughts on natural childbirth
{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a… Read the postDaddy’s Little Girl