One super smart thing we did right before we left for our big trip was… Read the postCarnegie Science Center
Every time we come to Grand Rapids, we visit their children’s museum. It’s bigger than… Read the postExploration
One of our favorite things about coming to Grand Rapids is getting to visit with… Read the postGive me some sugar
Petra: Let’s pretend we’re the only survivors of a shipwreck. Silas: What race and class… Read the postCastaway
The kids had a great time at Pigeon Creek’s “Will Power” day camp. Francis and… Read the postWill Power
The other day, when I posted the FINALLY COMPLETE Where the Wild Things Are square, somebody… Read the postBook Quilt Update
People who spend a good bit of time with me have seen this work in… Read the postBook Quilt Update: Where the Wild Things Are
Yesterday evening, I’m not sure why, Silas asked me what it’s like to be dead.… Read the posteven the dead have eyes