We got together with family in Winchester for my Granny’s birthday last month. As always,… Read the postBubbles!
Just some pictures from a lazy summer river day. The kids have started calling this… Read the postRiver Pictures
The kids spent so much time this spring and into the summer playing in the… Read the postSquirrel Kitchen
The other night, after her bath, Petra and I were cuddling. She said that her… Read the postKids these days
Mother’s Day card from Silas. Not sure how to interpret this, frankly. For contrast, here’s… Read the postMother’s Day Card or Death Threat?
Apparently, there were some fun things we did over the summer that I didn’t get… Read the postSouthern efficiency and Northern charm
Both of our children now have their three jars. About once a year, sometimes more… Read the postThe Perks of Being a Benefactress
We went strawberry picking today in Montezuma. Talk about locally grown! 🙂 Maybe next year,… Read the postStrawberry Season
One of my favorite questions to ask adults is, “What did six-year-old you think you’d… Read the postImagining the Future