Silas is in a phase right now where he’s putting together a lot of pieces… Read the postThe Skeptic and the Philosopher
I’ve mentioned before that Silas’ godparents’ baby died at eight weeks old. Today would have been… Read the postRight here.
“It says, ‘Jesus loves you Petra and Mama.’ And there’s a mummy with lots of… Read the postSilas Sunday School art
Around here, we’ve had a lot of snow, but most of it has been just… Read the postDo you want to build a snowman?
We had a much more subdued Lunar New Year celebration than we had planned. We were… Read the postThe Year of the Goat/Ram/Sheep
Silas can *read*! Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words, anyway. We were reading his bedtime story the other night,… Read the postIt's official!
Silas says (very excitedly over breakfast): “Petra, I need to tell you something!” Petra: “What?”… Read the postPetra says…