JC’s cousin and his wife have two grown children and three little ones. How they… Read the postLittle Girl Cousins
The imaginative play thing has come on strong this summer. Petra has recently moved beyond… Read the postBaby, you can drive my car
The other day at rehearsal, Silas was running around on the stage while I was… Read the postSex Ed for Preschoolers
Because Silas refused to wear pants for the interview, I’ve just extracted the audio from… Read the postSilas 4th Birthday Interview
Reposted from JC’s D&D blog. This week, my son, who turns four in five days,… Read the postThe Saga Begins
Presented without comment (but with captions!), Silas’ recent art. I cannot find this drawing, but… Read the postSilas Drawings
This started as a facebook post, but got too involved, so…blog it is. I want… Read the postThe Cult of the Big Yellow Bus
Silas says, “I’m the boss!” I say, “You’re the boss of exactly one person, Silas.… Read the postWho's the boss?