Monkey King #1: I tried out the makeup on myself before Silas’ party, so I… Read the postThe Monkey King–Three Ways
It was tough to figure out exactly which book was Silas’ favorite this year. He… Read the postBattle of the Books
Height: 37.25″ Weight: 34 lbs (according to the Wii) Vocabulary: Enormous. I literally have no… Read the postSilas is Three!
Yes, I know this is late. Before anyone gets all “Boohoo the poor neglected second… Read the postPetra is eleven months old!
The big girls are in school now. Boo! Silas was pretty sad that “Wiwwian an’… Read the postPlaydate Update
Welcome to the September 2013 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Staying Safe This post was written… Read the postKnow your kid