Silas went to see Charlotte’s Web at JMU Children’s Playshop last weekend. On the way there,… Read the postWilbur
We’re about 90% sure that Silas really read–as in, sounded out–two words this week. The… Read the postPiecing it together
The other day, the kids were whiny and hot. I looked out on the porch… Read the postPinterest can get over itself
I always used to assume I’d have spring babies. For some reason, May struck me… Read the postReasons to have a Fall Baby:
When I was pregnant with Silas, I remember remarking to a friend that one thing… Read the postSpeed of Life
Lillian and Elisabeth are girls and James and I are boys. Yep. Lillian and Elisabeth… Read the postSilas says…
I remember when I was a kid, my mom said that she didn’t really getĀ Calvin… Read the postYou make my heart sing
Yesterday afternoon, Silas and Petra were playing with buckets of water on the porch. They… Read the postProgress