I think and (desperately) hope that Petra has just come through her four-month sleep regression.… Read the postRegression
I’ve been cooking with Silas a lot more lately. He’s enjoying it, and I’m …… Read the postSilas in the kitchen
Dad and Robyn got Silas a camera for Christmas. It’s designed for preschoolers, and I… Read the postSilascam
My family has an odd tradition, which my mother described in my baby book as… Read the postThe Tightwad Test
Silas, much to my bewilderment, has never been into nesting/stacking by size. He loves to… Read the postThe Tower (or, Suggestibility)
Oh look! It’s my friend Petra, sitting on the couch over there! Christmas is Santa… Read the postSilas says…
A few weeks before Christmas, I told Silas that there was only one thing I really… Read the postCaptain Underpants