It’s back-to-school time around here. Since Silas is only not-quite-two, “school” isn’t really a thing.… Read the postRaising a Reader
Not going to lie, I’ve lost track of what is paint, what is bruises, what… Read the postSnips and Snails…
We got Ender about five months before Silas was born. Call it misguided nesting (it… Read the postA Boy and His Dog
Our ten-year-old neighbor came by the other day. He was excited to see Silas painting,… Read the postArt lessons
I was looking at the front page of this blog, and couldn’t help noticing that… Read the postJust to shake things up
JC and I mentor a boy through Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We’ve been paired with him… Read the postBrothers
{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a… Read the postChopsticks & Kix