Everyone else did their decade round-ups a few weeks ago, but I’m always slow (before… Read the post2020
The kids told me they’ve been making a band with their friends at Forest School.… Read the postFallen Rulers
We had kind of a weird, spread-out Christmas season. I rather enjoyed it being like… Read the post2019 Holiday Round-Up
I feel like I can’t move onward and write about the holidays and launching into… Read the postSaying Goodbye
We’re about halfway through Advent now, and it’s time to take stock. It’s been a… Read the postAdvent: Midway
A belated update on Halloween: I keep waiting for the kids to stop wanting to… Read the postHalloween 2019
After talking about it for ever, Silas finally started a podcast about Kutelopes. He actually… Read the postKutelopes of the Wild
A while back, Silas listened to the sound track for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor… Read the postTiny Theater HIstory Nerd